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We invite you to participate with us!

Thank you for visiting us! Below you can find some helpful information about who we are and what you can expect for when you plan your visit. Please let us know if we can serve you in any way!
Our Mission
We make disciples of Christ Jesus who know God's Word, evangelize the lost, pursue holiness, and serve our church family.
Our Four Pillars
Christ died on the cross in our place to remove the death penalty for our sin forever. We love Him, because He first loved us. We strive together and stand firm for the Gospel. We desire to reflect His love and display the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The Bible is God’s inspired, authoritative, inerrant Word, sufficient to train believers in righteousness and equip them for ministry. The Spirit uses God’s Word to save unbelievers. We believe expository, verse by verse, preaching honors God’s Word and communicates His truth best. We strive to explore the depths of God’s Word publicly and privately.

We have been saved so that we may worship our Lord and God in spirit and in truth. Corporately, we worship by teaching God’s Word and singing His praises. Individually, we worship by living in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Worship is service, and we look for every opportunity to serve, love, prefer, and pray for one another.

We are ambassadors for Christ. We want the world to know Christ so we strive together to promote faith in Jesus Christ through any biblical means. We pray for our neighbors and serve them in practical, visible ways. We support international missions financially and prayerfully.

What To Expect

Cornerstone designs the worship service to edify, instruct, and lead the believer to Christ. Exalting God is our primary focus and we unite together to praise the Lord. We select music based on content above stylistic preferences and our music consists of classic and modern hymns. Click the link below if you would like to listen to the songs we sing in corporate worship.
We read Scripture together, pray, and open God's Word during the sermon. We strive to get biblical content correct and minister that to you. Bring a notebook, a pen, and get ready to take notes! Our sermons tend to run 50-60 minutes.

Be sure to help yourself to some fresh coffee and pastries when you arrive. We look forward to meeting you!


Sunday Mornings

Call to Worship at 10:00 am
Fellowship and light refreshments immediately after worship.

Learn more about nursery and child services here
6001 W Oakey Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.